Do you remember that feeling you have when you find an amazing song… the kind that hits differently and makes you want to dance? It gets stuck in your head, and ignites some kind of emotions and realization. That’s the feeling you get when you find a really good book, outside of your prescribed textbook list.
This post is a curated list of the best books for students and will provide you with 21 great titles to choose from and start reading Today.
“If you don’t like to read, you haven’t found the right book.”
J.K. Rowling
Are you curious about the benefits of reading books, besides your textbooks and study guides? I’ve been told several times that reading books that are unrelated to what I study at school is a waste of time. But this is correct? Well it’s not. You see, the benefits of reading are many, and they extend far beyond just a form of entertainment.
Think of it like this: textbooks train specific skills – they teach you the facts, formulas, and theories of your chosen subjects. But reading widely is like upgrading your overall mental fitness and knowledge bank. It strengthens your ability to learn, to think critically, and also to handle the unpredictable challenges that pop up in school and in life.
Reading can unlock a whole new level of success; here are a few benefits of reading extensively:
Benefits of reading Books

Academic and Cognitive Benefits:
- Vocabulary Expansion: Ever wanted to sound smarter and more persuasive? Reading builds a powerful vocabulary thus boosting your word power. This wider vocabulary enhances your precision and persuasiveness.
- Improved Writing Skills: Reading well-written works acts as a model, subconsciously improving your own writing style and grammar. You’ll develop a stronger command of language and sentence structure, improving the clarity and impact of your written work.
- Enhanced Critical Thinking: Analyzing plots, characters, and literary devices in novels develops critical thinking abilities crucial for many subjects.
- Increased Knowledge Base: Books provide knowledge across a vast array of subjects, supplementing and enriching classroom learning. Reading deepens your understanding of historical events, scientific concepts, and current affairs, making you a well-rounded learner.
- Stronger Focus and Concentration: Reading books demands sustained attention, sharpening your ability to focus for longer periods. This improved focus will benefit you during lectures, study sessions, and exam situations.
Personal and Emotional Benefits:
- Stress Reduction: Immersing yourself in a good book provides a welcome escape from anxieties, lowering stress levels.
- Increased Empathy: Stepping into a character’s shoes in a good book, builds empathy and understanding – crucial for connecting with others. Especially if the character is from a different background or race as it fosters acceptance of other cultures and unity.
- Inspiration and Motivation: Biographies and self-help books offer role models, inspire self-improvement, and help you find your path.
- Entertainment and Enjoyment: Reading is simply fun! It provides a source of relaxation and sparks imagination, crucial for overall well-being. Finding joy in reading fosters a sense of curiosity and wonder, positively impacting your whole outlook as a student.
Long-Term & Career-Focused Benefits:
- Lifelong Learning Habit: Developing a love for reading encourages continuous learning and self-improvement beyond graduation.
- Effective Communication: The improved writing and verbal skills gained from reading make you a more effective communicator in your future career.
- Problem-Solving Skills: Reading helps develop creative and analytical thinking, valuable for approaching real-world problems.
- Broader Perspective: Exposure to diverse cultures, ideas, and historical events through books fosters a wider understanding of the world. This global mindset translates to better decision-making, collaboration with diverse teams, and a sensitivity that’s highly valued in today’s world.
“The man who does not read good books is no better than the man who can’t.”
Mark Twain
So it’s time to demolish that myth about non-school related reading being a waste of time! I’ve hand-picked this killer collection of the best books for students like you – a mix of thrilling novels, life-changing self-help and personal growth books, must-read financial books, and so much more.
This list isn’t just about fun (though there’s plenty of that!). It’s your ultimate booklist for becoming a better student, a more critical thinker, and a stronger version of yourself overall.
So, are you ready to level up? Let’s dive into these amazing reads!
Best Books For Students
(Personal Development and Self-Help)

#1. The Defining Decade:
Rating: 4.7/5 stars
Author: Meg Jay
Genre: Personal Development
Number of Pages: 272
This book is a must-read for any student in their twenties. It has garnered widespread acclaim for its insightful exploration of this pivotal decade of one’s life.
Meg Jay discusses the critical importance of our twenties (20s), debunking the notion that this period is merely a time for experimentation and exploration. Instead, she argues that our twenties are the defining years that set the trajectory for the rest of our lives. Through real-life stories and compelling research, Jay emphasizes the significance of making intentional choices and seizing opportunities during this period.
In this masterpiece, you will find practical advice and actionable strategies for making the most of your twenties and navigating the challenges and opportunities of young adulthood.
Our twenties are the defining decade of adulthood. 80% of life’s most significant events take place by age 35.
Meg Jay
#2. The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People:
This is a timeless classic in the personal development genre. In this book, Covey outlines seven foundational habits that can transform individuals into highly effective and successful leaders in both their personal and professional lives. Covey’s principles serve as a roadmap for achieving success and fulfillment.
Through engaging and insightful anecdotes, and practical exercises, Covey demonstrates how anyone can cultivate these 7 habits to unlock their full potential and lead a purpose-driven life. “The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People” offers valuable lessons for personal growth.
The key is not to prioritize what’s on your schedule, but to schedule your priorities.
Stephen Covey
Book(s) by the same author: The 8th Habit: From Effectiveness to Greatness, Principle-Centered Leadership.
#3. Mindset: The New Psychology of Success
Rating: 4.6/5 stars
Author: Carol Dweck
Genre: Psychology/Self-help
Number of Pages: 320
“Mindset: The New Psychology of Success” by Carol Dweck is a groundbreaking exploration of the power of our mindset in shaping our lives and achieving success.
Dweck introduces the concept of the “growth mindset” versus the “fixed mindset” and explores how our beliefs about our abilities profoundly impact our achievements and resilience.
You will discover practical strategies for cultivating a growth mindset in various aspects of your life, from academics and career to relationships and personal development. Whether you’re facing challenges or striving for excellence, “Mindset” offers invaluable lessons in harnessing the power of your mindset to achieve your goals and realize your fullest potential.
Becoming is better than being.
Carol Dweck
#4. The Power of Now:
Rating: 4.7/5 stars
Author: Eckhart Tolle
Genre: Spirituality/Self-help
Number of Pages: 236
Looking for a book to help you live in the present moment and find inner peace? This one’s for you.
Tolle invites you to transcend the constraints of past regrets and future anxieties and embrace the power of the present moment. Its lessons are incredibly relevant for students.
“The Power of Now” offers guidance on managing stress, overcoming procrastination, and finding balance amidst academic demands. By learning to cultivate mindfulness and presence, you can enhance your focus, creativity, and overall well-being, leading to greater academic success and personal fulfillment.
Realize deeply that the present moment is all you ever have. Make the Now the primary focus of your life.
Eckhart Tolle
Book(s) by the same author: A New Earth: Awakening to Your Life’s Purpose, Stillness Speaks.
#5. Essentialism: The Disciplined Pursuit of Less
Rating: 4.6/5 stars
Author: Greg McKeown
Genre: Self-help/Productivity
Number of Pages: 272
This book is a manifesto for simplifying your life and focusing on what truly matters. McKeown challenges the notion that more is always better and encourages you to identify and pursue what is essential in your life. While it primarily addresses personal and professional productivity, its principles are highly applicable in a student context.
Juggling academic responsibilities, extracurricular activities, and social commitments? “Essentialism” offers insights on setting priorities, saying no to distractions, and maximizing your time and impact. By adopting the disciplined pursuit of less, you will be able to streamline your efforts, and achieve greater clarity and effectiveness in your pursuits.
The way of the Essentialist means living by design, not by default. Instead of making choices reactively, the Essentialist deliberately distinguishes the vital few from the trivial many, eliminates the non-essentials, and then removes obstacles so the essential things have clear, smooth passage.
Greg McKeown
#6. Make Your Bed:
Rating: 4.7/5 stars
Author: Admiral William H. McRaven
Genre: Self-help/Inspiration
Number of Pages: 144
“Make Your Bed” is an inspiring book that emphasizes the importance of discipline, a routine, and the impact of small actions. With a stellar rating of 4.7 out of 5 stars, it has proven to be a game changer to anyone seeking to make positive changes in their lives.
Admiral McRaven draws upon his experiences as a Navy SEAL to impart timeless wisdom on achieving success and making a difference in the world. While the title may seem simple, the lessons within are profound and far-reaching.
“Make Your Bed” offers insights into the power of habits and consistency. By starting each day with a simple yet meaningful task like making your bed, you can cultivate a sense of accomplishment, discipline, and order that can positively impact your academic performance and overall well-being, thereby making it one of the best books for students to read.
If you want to change the world, start off by making your bed.
Admiral William H. McRaven
#7. The 5 AM Club:
Rating: 4.5/5 stars
Author: Robin Sharma
Genre: Self-help/Productivity
Number of Pages: 312
This book is a transformative guide to maximizing productivity and achieving personal mastery through morning routines.
In this insightful book, Sharma introduces you to the concept of the 5AM Club – a group of individuals committed to waking up early and dedicating the first hour of their day to personal growth and self-improvement. Through compelling storytelling and sound advice, Sharma demonstrates how optimizing your mornings can set the tone for a successful and fulfilling day and life.
For students seeking to boost their productivity and well-being, “The 5AM Club” offers guidance on establishing morning rituals that promote focus, clarity, and vitality. By adopting the habits and mindset of the 5AM Club, you can supercharge your mornings, get the most of each day, and achieve your goals with purpose and intention.
“Ordinary people can accomplish extraordinary feats, once they’ve routinized the right habits.
Robin Sharma
Book(s) by the same author: The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari, The Leader Who Had No Title.
#8. You Are a Badass:
Rating: 4.7/5 stars
Author: Jen Sincero
Genre: Self-help/Motivation
Number of Pages: 272
This #1 NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER •( More Than 5 Million Copies Sold) is an inspiring guide to overcoming self-doubt and living a life of fulfillment and abundance.
Sincero shares personal anecdotes and advice for breaking free from limiting beliefs and creating the life you desire. Through humor and relatable storytelling, she encourages you to unleash your inner power and step into greatness.
As a student, it’s common to grapple with self-doubt and uncertainty about your future. “You Are a Badass” contains insights on building self-confidence, setting goals, and taking bold actions. By embracing your inherent awesomeness and trusting in your abilities, you can overcome obstacles, seize opportunities, and create a life you love.
You are responsible for what you say and do. You are not responsible for whether or not people freak out about it.
Jen Sincero
Book(s) by the same author: You Are a Badass at Making Money, Badass Habits: Cultivate the Awareness, Boundaries, and Daily Upgrades You Need to Make Them Stick.
#9 The Happiness Trap:
Rating: 4.6/5 stars
Author: Russ Harris
Genre: Self-help/Psychology
Number of Pages: 320
This book is a groundbreaking exploration of how to break free from the endless pursuit of happiness and find peace and fulfillment in the present moment.
Harris draws upon principles of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) to help you overcome the common traps that prevent you from living a rich and meaningful life. He guides you on a journey of self-discovery and transformation, offering strategies for managing negative thoughts and emotions and cultivating a deeper sense of contentment.
For students struggling with stress and anxiety, “The Happiness Trap” offers invaluable insights on how to find peace and happiness in the midst of life’s challenges. By learning to accept your thoughts and feelings without judgment and aligning your actions with your values, you can break free from the happiness trap and live with greater clarity, purpose, and joy.
Happiness is not the absence of negative thoughts and feelings. It’s the ability to experience them without resistance and to take action that is aligned with your values.
Russ Harris
Book(s) by the same author: The Confidence Gap: A Guide to Overcoming Fear and Self-Doubt, ACT Made Simple: An Easy-to-Read Primer on Acceptance and Commitment Therapy.
#10. The Four Agreements:
Rating: 4.7/5 stars
Author: Don Miguel Ruiz
Genre: Self-help/Spirituality
Number of Pages: 160
This book offers a simple yet powerful code of conduct for achieving personal freedom and happiness. With a rating of 4.7 out of 5 stars, it has touched the lives of millions with its timeless wisdom.
In this concise 160-page book, Ruiz distills ancient Toltec wisdom into four guiding principles for living a life of authenticity and integrity. The agreements – Be impeccable with your word, Don’t take anything personally, Don’t make assumptions, and Always do your best – offer a framework for navigating life’s challenges and creating inner peace.
By embracing these simple yet profound principles, students can cultivate a deeper sense of self-awareness, compassion, and empowerment in their academic and personal lives.
When you are immune to the opinions and actions of others, you won’t be the victim of needless suffering.
Don Miguel Ruiz
Book(s) by the same author: The Mastery of Love: A Practical Guide to the Art of Relationship, The Fifth Agreement: A Practical Guide to Self-Mastery.
Best Books for Students
(Academic and Career Success)

#11. Atomic Habits:
Rating: 4.8/5 stars
Author: James Clear
Genre: Self-help/Productivity
Number of Pages: 320
This book is a transformative guide to harnessing the power of small habits for significant change. With an outstanding rating of 4.8 out of 5 stars, this book has been well-received and praised for its practical strategies and actionable insights.
In this comprehensive 320-page book, James Clear distills note-worthy research and personal anecdotes into a framework for habit formation. He emphasizes the importance of making tiny, incremental changes that compound over time, leading to remarkable results.
As a student, “Atomic Habits” offers guidance on how to cultivate positive habits, eliminate destructive behaviors, and optimize your academic performance.
You do not rise to the level of your goals. You fall to the level of your systems.
James Clear
#12. How to Win at College:
Rating: 4.6/5 stars
Author: Cal Newport
Genre: Education/Self-help
Number of Pages: 193
In this book, Newport shares strategies and techniques emplyed by top students to succeed in college. From effective study habits to time management skills and networking strategies, Newport provides actionable tips for academic and personal success.
For students transitioning to college life, “How to Win at College” offers valuable guidance on navigating the challenges of higher education. By learning from the experiences of successful peers and implementing Newport’s advice, you can develop the skills and mindset necessary to thrive in college and beyond.
Don’t try to be great in a day. Just be consistently good and the results will come.
Cal Newport
Book(s) by the same author: Deep Work: Rules for Focused Success in a Distracted World, So Good They Can’t Ignore You.
#13. So Good They Can’t Ignore You:
Rating: 4.5/5 stars
Author: Cal Newport
Genre: Career/Self-help
Number of Pages: 304
This book challenges conventional wisdom about following one’s passion and offers a refreshing perspective on building a meaningful career.
Newport argues that passion alone is not enough to build a fulfilling career. Instead, he advocates for the importance of developing rare and valuable skills that can lead to autonomy, mastery, and purpose.
For students embarking on their career journey, “So Good They Can’t Ignore You” offers valuable insights on how to cultivate skills and expertise that align with their interests and aspirations.
Passion comes after you put in the hard work to become excellent at something valuable, not before.
Cal Newport
Book(s) by the same author: How to Win at College: Surprising Secrets for Success from the Country’s Top Students, Deep Work: Rules for Focused Success in a Distracted World.
Best Books for Students

#14. The Alchemist
Rating: 4.6/5 stars
Author: Paulo Coelho
Genre: Fiction/Spiritual
Number of Pages: 208
In this captivating novel, Coelho tells the story of Santiago, a young shepherd who embarks on a journey to fulfill his personal legend and discover the true meaning of life. Along the way, Santiago encounters wise mentors, mystical omens, and unexpected challenges that lead him to a deeper understanding of himself and the universe.
Through Santiago’s journey, you are reminded of the importance of following your dreams, listening to your heart, and embracing the unknown with courage and faith. It’s a must-read, one of the best books for students like you.
And, when you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it.
Paulo Coelho
Book(s) by the same author: Brida, The Valkyries, Eleven Minutes.
#15. To Kill a Mockingbird
Rating: 4.7/5 stars
Author: Harper Lee
Genre: Fiction/Classic
Number of Pages: 336
“To Kill a Mockingbird” by Harper Lee is a timeless classic that continues to resonate with readers of all ages with its powerful themes of justice, morality, and compassion. This Pulitzer Prize-winning novel has left an indelible mark on literature and society.
In this compelling novel, Lee tells the story of Scout Finch, a young girl growing up in the racially divided South during the 1930s. Through Scout’s eyes, you’ll witness the injustices of prejudice and discrimination as her father, Atticus Finch, defends an innocent African American man accused of rape.
“To Kill a Mockingbird” offers a thought-provoking and emotionally resonant exploration of the complexities of human nature and society. Through Lee’s vivid storytelling and unforgettable characters, you are challenged to confront your own beliefs and prejudices and to strive for empathy and understanding in the face of injustice.
You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view… Until you climb inside of his skin and walk around in it.
Harper Lee
Book(s) by the same author: Go Set a Watchman.
#16. Pride and Prejudice
Rating: 4.7/5 stars
Author: Jane Austen
Genre: Fiction/Romance
Number of Pages: 448
If you crave a good old-fashioned love story, “Pride and Prejudice” is the book for you! This classic novel is like a rollercoaster ride of love, laughter, and a whole lot of drama.
The unforgettable main character, Elizabeth Bennet, is a sharp-witted young woman who confronts her own prejudices and discovers the true nature of love and happiness.
Through Austen’s keen observations and sharp wit, the book invites you to examine the societal norms and expectations that shape the characters’ lives and relationships, while also reflecting on your own values and beliefs.
It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune, must be in want of a wife.
Jane Austen
Book(s) by the same author: Sense and Sensibility, Emma, Persuasion.
#17. Normal People:
Rating: 4.1/5 stars
Author: Sally Rooney
Genre: Fiction/Romance
Number of Pages: 304
Itching for a story that’s as complex and captivating as life itself? Then this book will surely satisfy you.
“Normal People”, features Connell and Marianne, two Irish teens whose lives are intertwined in unexpected ways. From high school to college and beyond, we follow their journey as they navigate the ups and downs of friendship, love, and everything in between.
This book doesn’t sugarcoat life. Rooney unapologetically dives into the messy parts – the heartbreak, misunderstandings, and insecurities everyone experiences. It’s relatable and refreshing.
I think we’re at that weird age where life can change a lot from small decisions.
Sally Rooney
Book(s) by the same author: Conversations with Friends, Beautiful World, Where Are You.
Best Books for Students
(Financial Literacy)

#18. I Will Teach You To Be Rich:
Rating: 4.7/5 stars
Author: Ramit Sethi
Genre: Personal Finance/Self-help
Number of Pages: 352
Dreaming of financial freedom but overwhelmed by financial jargon? “I Will Teach You To Be Rich” is a must-read for any student who wants to take charge of their finances and build a financially secure future.
What sets this book apart is the relatable and conversational writing style. Sethi speaks directly to you, offering practical advice and real-life examples that make complex financial concepts easy to understand. No fancy terms, just practical strategies you can implement right away.
The book tackles issues relevant to students, like negotiating bills, minimizing debt, and saving for big goals. Whether you’re a broke college student or a recent graduate entering the workforce, this book provides strategies for achieving financial success. So why wait? Start your journey to financial freedom today!
Stop imagining yourself as someone who’s bad with money and start imagining yourself as the wealthy person you deserve to be.
Ramit Seth
Book(s) by the same author: Your Move: The Underdog’s Guide to Building Your Business, The Briefcase Technique: How to Land Your First Consulting Client.
#19. Rich Dad Poor Dad
Rating: 4.7/5 stars
Author: Robert Kiyosaki
Genre: Personal Finance/Self-help
Number of Pages: 336
Prepare to have your perspective on money and wealth completely transformed with “Rich Dad Poor Dad” by the renowned entrepreneur and investor, Robert Kiyosaki!
In this masterpiece, Kiyosaki shares the lessons he learned from his two father figures – his own “poor dad” and the father of his childhood best friend, his “rich dad.” Through their contrasting approaches to money and investing, Kiyosaki unveils the secrets to financial success and reveals the mindset shifts necessary to achieve prosperity.
The engaging storytelling and practical wisdom in this book will get you hooked to the pages. It will inspire you to rethink your approach to money and set you on the path to financial independence. I can’t imagine a list of the best books for students, without this one. Do yourself a favour and add it to your reading list.
The single most powerful asset we all have is our mind. If it is trained well, it can create enormous wealth in what seems to be an instant.
Robert Kiyosaki
#20. Broke Millennial Takes on Investing
Rating: 4.6/5 stars
Author: Erin Lowry
Genre: Personal Finance/Investing
Number of Pages: 256
Ready to turn your financial dreams into reality? This book is a must-read for anyone looking to build wealth through smart investing.
In this concise yet comprehensive guide, Lowry demystifies the world of investing and empowers you to take control of your finances. From understanding the basics of stocks and bonds to navigating the complexities of retirement accounts and tax strategies, Lowry breaks down intimidating financial concepts into digestible nuggets of wisdom.
Lowry speaks directly to the concerns and questions of her readers, addressing common misconceptions and providing practical advice that anyone can implement.
As a student, it is important that you start thinking about your financial future now, so you can be one step ahead after graduation. If you have the means I would advise you start implementing the strategies you learn NOW!
The best time to start investing was yesterday. The second best time is now.
Erin Lowry
Book(s) by the same author: Broke Millennial: Stop Scraping By and Get Your Financial Life Together, Broke Millennial Talks Money: Scripts, Stories, and Advice to Navigate Awkward Financial Conversations.
#21. The Psychology of Money:
Rating: 4.7/5 stars
Author: Morgan Housel
Genre: Personal Finance/Psychology
Number of Pages: 256
Discover the fascinating intersection of money and the mind! This book offers a unique perspective on wealth and financial well-being.
Housel delves into the psychological factors that influence our relationship with money, uncovering the hidden biases, emotions, and behaviors that shape our financial decisions.
From understanding the power of compounding interest to navigating the pitfalls of greed and fear, Housel’s thought-provoking insights offer a fresh and nuanced understanding of the role that psychology plays in wealth creation and management.
Drawing on real-life examples and historical anecdotes, he crafts a narrative that is both engaging and enlightening, making complex financial concepts accessible to readers of all backgrounds.
The ability to do what you want, when you want, with who you want, for as long as you want, pays the highest dividend that exists in finance.
Morgan Housel
In conclusion, it’s clear that books are more than just a source of entertainment – they’re powerful tools for personal growth and development. From enhancing academic skills to providing inspiration and fostering a love of learning, books have the power to transform your college experience and beyond.
So what are you waiting for? Pick a book from this list and dive into a world of knowledge, inspiration, and possibilities. Whether you’re looking to boost your grades, expand your mental horizons, or simply enjoy a good read, these best books for students are sure to satisfy you.
Remember, the journey of self-improvement begins with a single page. Start reading today and embark on the path to becoming the best version of yourself!
- How did you pick these books? I want to give you the best of the best books for students! These books were carefully selected based on their relevance to you as a student and a young adult, popularity and high Amazon ratings (as of April 18th). Most of the books on this list are bestsellers, with millions of copies sold worldwide. Titles like “Atomic Habits” by James Clear or “The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People” by Stephen Covey are considered true classics that can truly change your life.
- Will you update the list the list? Definitely! I’m always on the lookout for awesome reads that can help you thrive. This list will be updated often with fresh picks and new titles. I may eventually expand the list from time to time.
- Okay, but where can I actually find these books? Easily! You can buy them online, find them at bookstores, or check your library (a great budget-friendly option!).
- I’m super busy. Are audiobooks an option? Yes! Many of these titles are available in audiobook format on Amazon, perfect for listening on the go, during your commute, or while working out. You can also download a PDF to Audio mobile app to convert your pdf version to audio.